Let me start off my apologizing for this photo. I'm quite sorry that the above sundae is melty, but it really wasn't my fault: if you haven't yet, you soon will learn that no matter what time you get to FoCo for dinner (save for a 4:30 early bird special) the lines will be long (especially when there is only one cashier and there are some 'shmen who don't know that they have to weigh their salad, etc.) and the fro-yo will be slightly less than fro. At any rate, I promise that despite its appearance, it is absolutely delicious. Moving on… despite the name of this treat, I do not recommend that you eat it at breakfast time, as to me this is more of a dessert (but hey, that's totally up to you). I feel as though you readers (you are reading aren't you?) might find this suggestion slightly unoriginal because any one who has ever been to a fro-yo establishment will have had the opportunity to eat something similar (if not identical). However, while I maintain that it is one of my goals to encourage you to try new things, I am also a great fan of recreating food favorites using DDS ingredients. It shouldn't take you very long to realize that this Frozen Breakfast is for those with a sweet tooth (hence my recommendation that it serve as a dessert as opposed to a breakfast). The concept is simple really: a bowl of frozen cereal. So let's get into it:
You will need:
1 cup of vanilla frozen yogurt
1 prepackaged bowl of Kellogg's Frosted Flakes
1 slightly speckled banana
My recommendation is that you purchase all of the items separately because if you construct the dish before you pay, you'll end up overpaying. DDS has you pay for fro-yo by weight, but they will also have you pay for your cereal and your banana so there is no sense in adding weight to your fro-yo just to pay extra for a heavier cup. There aren't very many measurements that you have to worry about for this one; to play a savory chef, its all made to taste. Put as much fro-yo in your sundae cup as you want (I don't recommend cones with toppings like this), just mix in some Frosted Flakes and slices of banana every now and then. The combination of flavors isn't particularly complex (it's essentially just three sweet things), but it is a fantastic dessert. If you are feeling particularly daring, you can try adding just a tiny bit of caramel (note the second 'A', I can't stand the notion that people actually say CAR-MEL, if you do it, cut it out.) or try a different flavor fro-yo. I'm sure that this is not the last Frozen Breakfast that I will be making, but for now…
This is the only Frozen Breakfast provided by DDS and Sam, I am.
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