About Big Green Gourmet:

Welcome to Big Green Gourmet. Sam, I am and I am dedicated to improving your meals here at Dartmouth. This blog serves mainly to provide you with easy to follow recipes, which can be made using the food you get from DDS. My aim is to come up with new ways to eat the same food you've been eating, create some delicious dishes and encourage you to improvise beyond your standard Joe-Yo. BGG (Big Green Gourmet- for those of you who catch on rather slowly) is the place to go when you want to shake up your DDS selections. Leave comments about new recipes, improving the blog, or anything really…

Bon appetite!

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Big Green Hummus Wrap

I am sorry that I did not get to post yesterday, but if I can manage it, I'll be posting two recipes today to compensate. When I went on the website for The Dartmouth today, I chuckled lightly at one reader of The DDS Detective, who asked if the writer of that column and the writer of this blog were in fact the same person. I'll admit that I did not know The DDS Detective existed until a friend pointed it out to me, but I have since read it, and it is an exceptional column, and I recommend that all of my readers (though I'm not sure how many of you there are) check it out. The DDS Detective comes up with great ideas and has a mission that I agree whole heartedly with. That being said, let me now say that I do not write for The D, but that does not mean that this blog is somehow competitive with it. Please, read us both (I think the D would agree with me on this one). Now let's get into today's recipe:

You will need:

A spinach wrap

Smoked turkey




Olive spread

The preparation for this recipe is extremely easy because you (as a reader) actually have to do nothing but go order it from the deli at FoCo. I only have a few pieces of wisdom to impart. With regard to the hummus I have two recommendations: a) get the roasted garlic and not the red pepper hummus and b) ask for extra (sometimes they will charge you extra, sometimes they won't, but it doesn't really matter, the extra hummus just makes it more filling). A frequent patron of the deli will know that 2 varieties of turkey are available at the counter. Personally, I prefer the smoked turkey, but I see no reason why the other kind would corrupt the recipe. The only final thing that I would add is that the deli may sometimes add olive oil to your hummus wraps/sandwiches. I would preempt this by simply requesting no added oil, it makes it exceedingly difficult to eat and stay clean, and is generally an unhealthy addition. Other than that…

Happy eating! - With (food) love, DDS and Sam, I am.

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